Things are going great at my house for the most part. Will is still working weekends which really really stinks because we have not been able to go to church in awhile, so he is still looking for a new job one that he does not have to work weekends. Today has been good Brayden took a great nap this morning and is asleep now. I am sure going to dread the day he does not want to take morning naps anymore. He now has two teeth, yes I found that out because he is in a little bit of a biting stage, not that he knows what he is doing apparently my skin feels good on his teeth ;) He is doing great with the walking he can now stand himself up from sitting and walk to is soo exciting and we praise him everytime he does it, I think he likes the attention. I just can't beleive that he is already walking. I am doing good the nausea is not so much anymore and I haven't thrown up in a couple of days ;) However yesterday I did have to break out the pregnancy jeans. My normal ones fit but are a little tight and I found myself sitting on the couch with the button undone, so I caved. I will be 12 weeks on Monday and can not wait for November to come. Especially because it makes me laugh to think that when football season starts I will be six months with a 14 month old in toe to the football games to see my sister. Besides missing my sister, brother-in-law (yes I do miss Michael too) Alexis, Anthony and my brother very very much and wishing they lived here things are great!!!