Thursday, July 24, 2008

Sleep is Good

Ok for the past THREE nights Brayden has slept all the way through...were talking I have goten 6 to 7 hours of sleep a night. I am really really hoping that this is not just a fluk and that my 1 month old has gotten into the routine that I try sooo hard to keep him at. He usually takes a morning nap then is awake for a good three to five hours then takes an afternoon nap and stays awake until I put him down for bed around 11 or 12. All I can say as I think that for the past three days I have been in the best mood...because a straight 6 hours of sleep is way better then 6 hours of sleep that is broken up three times a night :) Yeah for routines!!! But on another note I still cant really get him to sleep in his crib he just does not like it. Hopefully he will figure that is where he is suppose to sleep.

Monday, July 21, 2008

1 Month Old

I can't believe that Brayden is one month old today.....seriously the past month has just flown by. He is getting so big. I am looking forward to him hitting two months though because that is when my gym will start watching them in the kid place so that I can lose the rest of the baby weight ;) but here are a couple of pictures I took today they are by no means professional but I will take him when he is three months to get those pictures. The outfit is way to big but I think they turned out kinda cute.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

My Little Cowboy!!!

So the other day I went to toys-r-us with mom and maria and mom thought it would be funny to put a cowboy hat on Brayden that was a million sizes too big....but maria got this picture and I love it because he is smiling....his daddy was very excited because he does have his little cowboy and cant wait to get him rasing cattle...yeah I am not sure how I feel about that considering I am from the city and the only interaction I had with farm animals was the smell coming from the Ag barn in highschool while we were at practice for band ;) oh and by the way I do not know what is wrong with my blog but I cant fix it so it might just have to stay this way lol

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Nothing New

Well I am mostly doing this blog thing for my sister because the next time she is going to get to see my son is going to be in three months. Nothing really exciting is going on right now, I love how little Brayden is and don't really want him to grow up. But I am excited for me to be able to start teaching him things. I am very lucky that I am going to be a stay at home mom but so far I am going crazy not doing anything. I wish we did not live 45 mins from our church because that would be great to be more involved but with gas prices it is almost impossible. Or it would be great to actually live in college station because then I could be close to my sister and brother and Brayden would have his cousins right there....maybe someday soon. But for now brayden is starting to make more sounds..he grunts a little when I take the bottle away and he is not done. He is picking his head up a lot, for some reason he does not remember that he is only three weeks :) and his long legs are moving more then anything. So things are going good here in San Antonio.

Friday, July 11, 2008

My Mom

Well for everyone who does not know when I had Brayden I had to have a c-section, which means for the past 3 weeks I have no been able really to do anything on my own. I just want to say that I have the greatest mom. She came and stayed with me in the hospital bright and early, when Will had to go back to work, stayed with me when I got home from the hospital. And the past week took me and Brayden to 4 different appointments because I have not been able to drive. Well finally the Dr. released me to drive today and Grandmom will not have to be driving me and Brayden everywhere. But I just wanted to say thank you to the best Mother and Grandmother that there has ever been. I am truly greatful and blessed to have a Great Mother.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Our first 4th of July as a family....we really didn't do much. We went over to my in-laws had some hotdogs and hamburgers and were in bed by 12:00 which is pretty early for us. As you can tell Brayden really didn't care maybe next year will be more fun and we will stay up for the fireworks.

The outfit was way to big but it was cute.

Sleeping Baby

Being a new mom is great and I knew that once he came that I would not be getting much sleep, but I didn't realize just how little of sleep I would be getting. My son still has not figured out that night time is not for playing. It is amazing how much of a personality he already has and I am quickly figuring it out. My son does not like to keep the covers on him, which is a problem because his feet get really cold and he doesn't keep socks on. I cannot wait until he decides that sleeping is more important then eating ;)

Brayden sleeping

Daddy getting plenty of sleep

This is usually how he sleeps everytime

Brayden getting plenty of sleep.....notice no pictures of me getting plenty of sleep ;)