Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Our first 4th of July as a family....we really didn't do much. We went over to my in-laws had some hotdogs and hamburgers and were in bed by 12:00 which is pretty early for us. As you can tell Brayden really didn't care maybe next year will be more fun and we will stay up for the fireworks.

The outfit was way to big but it was cute.


Christi said...

Yea! I'm your first comment! I love the blog, love the outfit, and love my nephew! I miss you guys.


Kierstyn said...

What a handsome boy!

I was so excited to see th elink to your blog from Christi's! I've enjoyed being able to go back and look at old blogs, and I'm sure you will enjoy it too as Brayden starts growing.

Sherry said...

Thanks for the link... now that I know yours, I'll add you to mine.