Monday, August 18, 2008

Worst Days of my Life so far

So I am all sure everyone knows what happened this weekend. Thank GOD Brayden is fine, he is back to his normal self and eating more then he was before. I think he is trying to make up for not eating much at the hospital. I can honestly say that I never new what heartache was until this weekend. It kills and tears your heart apart to hear your little baby cry because of the pain he is in, and there is not a single think I can do for him but hold him and try to comfort him the best I can. The worst part is at the end of the week I have to take him for his two month check up, that means more shots. All I can say is thank you for all the prayers, I know God answers individual prayers but it is a lot stronger when you have people all over the place praying for the same thing. I know this is just one step of the many heartaches I will have as being a mom and I have a feeling that they will not get any eaiser. Thank you all again for the prayers!!!!


Christi said...

Can't wait to see you guys! I'm glad you are home, and don't worry about the shots. Babies don't have a long term memory so he'll forget. ;-) Love you guys!

Kierstyn said...

I'm so sorry you had such a major trial so early in your mommy career. Babies really are amazing, and I'm with Christi, so thankful that they don't remember!!

By the way, I'm so impressed with the amazing mother that you already are! Talk about some keen mommy intuition. You did a great job through this whole thing!

Sherry said...

You are an awesome mommy and I'm so glad Brayden is better. Hugs to you all!