Friday, October 10, 2008


Brayden found his toes today. He will not lay his feet straight out anymore when he is laying on his back, he tries to eat them. He figures these fingers taste pretty good why not the toes :) This is sooo much fun getting to see how much he is growing from day to day.

He is thinking very hard if he should put them in his mouth

almost got them mom


Stephanie Talbert said...

on a side note this kind of makes me laugh because when Alexis first sees him she says. Aunt Steph I'm goin' (she does not add a 'G" to the end of words) ;) to call him toes LOL I love that girl

Christi said...

I LOVE pictures of babies when they find their toes! These are so cute. I'll show Alexis in the morning and I'm sure she'll call him "baby toes". ;-)

Christi said...

Alexis said "awww, he's so cute!" :-)

Sherry said...

I agree with Alexis - he is SO cute, that sweet face and your labels are hilarious!