Tuesday, November 4, 2008

4 Month check up

This morning I took Brayden to the doctors. The doctor said he is doing great. He only weighs 15lbs 6oz which is average and he is 25 1/2 inches long, which is above average. So Brayden is probably going to be very tall like his daddy. He did get shots today, he cried at first but as soon as I picked him up he started yelling at me. Yes my son has started the yelling phase, he has been doing it a lot lately but it was soo funny all the nurses were laughing because all the way out he was yelling not crying yelling very very loudly. I am truely blessed and thank God I have a healthy growing boy.


Christi said...

I'm glad the appointment went well. I can't wait to see Brayden and hear him yell at you. ;-) Love you guys!

Jenni Garrett said...

Hey guys! The pictures are adorable! I can't believe my "little" cousin is all grown up with a wonderful family of his own! I wish you all the best and kiss Brayden for me, he is truely a beautiful baby! CONGRATS!!!!! XOXO

Jenni & Chris

Jenni Garrett said...

Hey guys! The pictures are adorable! I can't believe my "little" cousin is all grown up with a wonderful family of his own! I wish you all the best and kiss Brayden for me, he is truely a beautiful baby! CONGRATS!!!!! XOXO

Jenni & Chris